This winter is dampening my running spirit, for real.

It’s the coldest and snowiest one I can remember in my lifetime. I’m from Michigan so it’s not like I have never seen a cold day. I thought the bitter cold was over. And I woke up this morning to this…

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I set a goal to run 1,000 miles in 2014. That comes to (approximately) 84 miles per month. That’s totally doable. I failed this month and I blame it on the cold and snow. I also blame it on me for not checking the weather and realizing I wasn’t going to be able to accomplish that many outdoor runs. I got in 52 miles. However, there are positives of less mileage and more strength and speed.

My average pace was over 30 seconds per mile faster on every run.

I have truly loved the runs I was able to do because there was never a day I felt forced to do them.

The emphasis on strength-training has made a noticeable impact on my overall enjoyment of working out. Variety is the spice of life. 😉

Here’s a recap:

Monday – Peak 8 Sprint workout. Then I walked a couple miles while chatting with a cool man I met that works at the same place I do. Such a small world!

Tuesday – 5.04 miles in 43:00 (8:32 pace)

Wednesday/Thursday – no running. Lots of abs/arms and stretching

Friday – 4.02 miles in 33:50 (8:25 pace)

Saturday – Rest

Sunday – 6 easy miles with Megan.

This weekend was a busy one. I had to work, babysit, participate in my graduate conversations all while getting another 6 inches of snow. I’m super thankful my Dad loves me as much as he does.

Then I had bridesmaid’s dress shopping and  a super bowl party – where I ate the best fruit pizza and I tried my hand at making a dish to pass as well – brownie batter dip!!! 🙂


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